Friday, September 28, 2007


I'm not going to say Sec. Gates is my hero but I think this move is definitely in the right direction.

Bob Gates’s Victory

To little notice, the Defense secretary has gotten his way on Iraq,
and possibly on Iran.
Now, Gates is about to appoint a former top Clinton official
to prove he means business.

Web Exclusive
By Michael Hirsh
Updated: 2:28 p.m. MT Sept 27, 2007

Gates is expected to announce soon that he is appointing John Hamre, a former deputy Defense secretary under Bill Clinton, as chairman of his Defense Policy Board, administration sources tell NEWSWEEK. Hamre, currently president of the prestigious Center for Strategic and International Studies, is a highly regarded technocrat who has been asked to help develop policies for transitioning to the next administration. This is a remarkable departure from Rumsfeld’s board, an influential advisory body that during the crucial years from 2001 to 2003 was led by a fire-breathing neocon, Richard Perle.

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