Friday, September 28, 2007


I added Dr. Laura Schlessinger to the wingnut radio list because today she repeated another wingnut lie. As you may know, Fred Phelps and his followers in the Westboro Baptist Church have gone to the funerals of soldiers killed in either Iraq or Afghanistan and protested. Dr. Laura said they were anti-war protesters, just like Susan Sarandon or Code Pink. In fact, Phelps and his group is radically anti-gay and when they protest at funerals, they blame the death on America's tolerance of gays. Even the Freepers think these people are creeps! If you can stand it, ThinkProgress has a little more on these crazies.

I sent her an e-mail quoting the above remarks and if I get a reply, I'll post it here. I have not heard from Alan Cook, the program director of KNST, the local radio station that broadcasts Fats Limbaugh.

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