Wednesday, October 17, 2007


(Via Kevin Drum)

I just began reading Jonathan Chait's book, The Big Con, about how the supply-side crazies have manage to make their idiocies gospel for conservatives and Kevin alerts me to a post by The Atlantic Monthly's resident libertarian stooge, Megan McArdle:
A conservative publication, which I will not name, just spiked a book review because I said that the Laffer Curve didn't apply at American levels of taxation, even while otherwise expressing my vast displeasure with the (liberal) economic notions of the book I was reviewing. This isn't me looking for an alternative explanation for the spiking of a bad review: the literary editor accepted it, edited it, and then three hours later told me it couldn't be published because it violated their editorial line on taxation.

This could've been worse: Bruce Bartlett was canned for not towing the Party Line.

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