Sunday, October 28, 2007


The AP reports that not all is well in Iraq and there are few additional points that need to be mentioned. First, the story:

10 Tribal Sheiks Kidnapped in Baghdad
Oct 28, 10:45 PM (ET)

BAGHDAD (AP) - Gunmen in Baghdad snatched 10 Sunni and Shiite tribal sheiks from their cars Sunday as they were heading home to Diyala province after talks with the government on fighting al-Qaida, and at least one was later found shot to death.

The bold daylight kidnapping came as the top U.S. commander in Iraq said the threat from the terror network has been "significantly reduced" in the capital

A new general assumed control of the region north of Baghdad, acknowledging that violence remains high but expressing confidence that the military has al-Qaida on the run there as well.

The well-planned attack was the latest to target anti-al-Qaida tribal leaders and other officials in an apparent bid to intimidate them from joining the U.S.-sponsored grass roots strategy that the military says has contributed to a recent drop in violence.

Now, the points that need mentioning. Petraeus has a history of irrational exuberance about Iraq, so his word should be somewhat discounted and his judgment questioned. The new general, Maj. Gen. Hertling, has also had problems with exuberance in the past. Finally, the grass-roots startegy was not sponsored by the U.S., it was begun by the Anbar Sunnis in Sept. 2006.

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