Friday, November 02, 2007


Andrew Bolt writes that "The war in Iraq has been won" and if you aren't positive he's an idiot, here's a little more proof:
But we went to war on a lie!
Actually, we went to war to free Iraq from a tyrant who had used weapons of mass destruction, and would not guarantee he would not do so again.
No lie. Job done.

Ari Fleischer says NO, ANDREW:
"But make no mistake -- as I said earlier -- we have high confidence that they have weapons of mass destruction. That is what this war was about and it is about." -Ari Fleischer Press Briefing 4/10/03


Anonymous said...

If you notice,over at, the war is portrayed as 95% "US versus al Qaeda," with the Democratic Party straw man portrayed as weaklings who wanted to "surrender" Iraq to Al Qaeda. Of course no military expert in the world said "al Qaeda of Iraq", (not run by bin Laden at any rate) had a ghost of a chance of taking over Iraq if America departed, nor do any put the al Qaeda percentage of the anti-American insurgency at any more than 10-15%. Crackpots like AJ Strata and his sheep ignore this, ignore the opposition of much of the Iraqi government to US arming of Sunni insurgents and ignore the fact that government is dysfunctional, permeated by ethnic militias, corrupt--and pro-Iranian on balance.

Just as the South Vietnamese government was never strong or popular enough to function on its own when America left, so appears the current Iraqi government.

And if "Strata-sphere-ism" had its way in the Vietnam War, the US would still be there atttempting to prop up a pro-American government. The 50,000 losses would have beome hundreds of thousands.

Iraq is a lost war, despite the
escapism and outright lying done by
the AJ Strata types in the blogosphere. But unlike you, perhaps, I only have confidence
in the Dennis Kuciniches and Ron Pauls to end it cleanly.

Steve J. said...


I think that a more accurate number for the percentage of Al Qaeda in the insurgency is 10%, tops.

I think you are completely correct about the terrible weakness of the Iraq government.


Anonymous said...

Today Strata is at it again,comparing the Iraq occupation and potential occupation to that of the Phillipines,Korea, Germany, Japan.
Inferring also (while ignoring the six airmen and troops killed in the past two days,) that al Qaeda's defeat is the defeat of the anti-American insurgency.

How does he get by with it?

I would tell him that the insurgency is as strong as ever and that during the Phillipine,German, Korean and Japanese occupations, US troops were not and are not killed and maimed on a daily basis and also that these "hosting" governments are functional and Iraq's is not. But does he really care or is he merely propagandizing as a holding-action,hoping the Democrats will continue their ineffectual non-opposition to Bush long enough to pull a rabbit of victory out of a hat?

Steve J. said...


It's difficult for me to fathom a BushBot like Strata but I'll give it a try:

Strata has emotionally invested SO MUCH in the Iraq fiasco that he simply can't see the facts.