Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I think John Kenneth Galbraith remarked on the poor state of public infrastructure in America, often a result of Republican policies. The LA Times reports that a few people are getting tired of that, especially with the housing downturn in the faster growing burbs. Schroeder is a mom and West is the Democratic candidate, Delgaudio the GOP scumbag.

Housing crisis tests GOP loyalties
The party could suffer in fast-growing exurban counties, where the real estate market is worst.
By Maura Reynolds, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
November 6, 2007

Schroeder, who lives a few blocks from West, met the candidate on the street recently, and West made her case. "I've lived here 35 years," West said, looking at Schroeder's two boys, in the first and fourth grade. She noted that Delgaudio's children didn't go to public schools. "He really has no stake in the schools. He even voted against" the community pool, West said. Schroeder looked concerned. "We go there all the time," she said.

Delgaudio has a record of supporting new residential development. "Every house that's built out there raises my taxes," Schroeder fumed. "I don't appreciate getting my assessment telling me that my house is worth $500,000 and I'm paying taxes on that."

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