Monday, November 12, 2007


The GOP claims to be "strong on defense" but the public is thinking "um, not so much" and with good reason. Leaving aside the FIASCO in Iraq, there have been a large number of security failures under Pres. Fredo. Here are just a few:

- A Chinese sub evades all the protection surrounding one of our aircraft carriers and surfaces within easy striking distance. (Daily Mail, 11/10/07)

- Back in the Spring of 2004, we had such loose controls over the weapons we were supposed to be supplying to the Iraqi security forces that there's no telling where tens of thousands of them ended up. (NY Times, 11/11/07)

- We have botched the development of an entire generation of new spy satellites. (NY Times, 11/11/07)

- Secretary Rice seems unable to effectively manage the State Department. (WaPo, 11/10/07)

I'm not claiming that all the fault can be laid on Fredo but he certainly hasn't been doing very well.

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