Sunday, January 13, 2008


David Neiwert has a solid review of Jonah Goldberg's latest farce, LIBERAL FASCISM:

Liberal Fascism may come complete with copious but meaningless footnotes, but it is in the end just a gussied-up version of a favorite talking point of right-wing radio talkers that the real fascists are those nasty liberals, those feminazis and eco-fascists. It may be all dressed up with a pseudo-academic veneer, but the quality of logic contained therein is roughly the same.
In the darkness of the wingnut mind, most distinctions are lost:

Yet, building on a false characterization of the history of populism, Goldberg goes on to characterize such historical figures as Father Charles Coughlin, the rabid anti-Semitic radio talker of the 1930s, and Sen. Joe McCarthy as left-wing figures simply because of their populist foundations.

Neiwert has more on his blog, Orcinus.

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