Saturday, January 05, 2008


Romney has been trying to put some distance between himself and Pres. Fredo. The Swamp has his latest attempt:

Romney: No more 'my way or highway' diplomacy

by Rick Pearson

"We have too much of a 'it's our way or the highway' attitude as we go around the world. When you're working with people in other nations, foreign policy is no longer the way it was last century. We got a lot of people really good at foreign policy in the 20th century—which was more like checkerboards, our side versus their side. And we jump them and they jump us back," he said.

”Now it's more like three-dimensional chess. We have to have the capacity to build relationships of very differing nations across a wide array of populations and that capacity I have and will bring with me people of great skill and experience to help advise so I can listen to their perspectives," Romney said.

So far, the wingnuts haven't responded, perhaps wisely because this is a lose-lose issue for the GOP.

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