Monday, February 04, 2008


There has been and there will quite a bit of discussion about the relative merits of Hillary versus Barack. I agree with Krugman's analysis of their health care plans and because health care is the biggest domestic issue, that means I will cast my primary vote for Hillary. I think it's time to step back and give Ian Welsh of The Agonist the final word:
There is no progressive candidate left in the race. Obama is not a progressive. If you're smart you'll take Krugman's word on that. Clinton is also not a progressive.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, but if you are smart you will make up your own mind about it. I am not taking Krugman's word on anything, nor anyone elses.

Nor do I consider it smart to worry about whether a candidate fits the accepted (by whom, exactly?) definition of what a "progressive" is.

To claim that one should think like that is to treat people as mindless sheep. Dont analyze the issues for yourself, comparing them to your own sense of what is right and important. Decide your vote on the basis of whether "experts" consider a candidate worthy of bearing a complimentary label.

Steve J. said...


I decided that health care is very important and I think Hillary's plan is better than Barack's.

I think Hillary and Barack are both centrists, although in wingnut world I'm sure they'll be portrayed as socialists or Marxists.