Wednesday, February 20, 2008


R. J. Eskow in HuffPo writes:

Sen. Clinton is a brilliant and gifted person. I've always assumed she would be a good president. But the calculations she has made in search of the presidency, starting with that war vote in 2002, undercut her chances and raised questions about her judgment.

The recent flap about plagiarism is only the latest blunder. Mark Penn, her chief strategist, seems to be a fool. Here's a more recent example of Penn's stupidity from the WaPo:
5. Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) emergence means national security will be the key issue of 2008. With McCain going on the attack against Obama as an inexperienced and naive politician when it comes to national security, Penn argued that Democrats need to think long and hard about whether Obama can match resumes and credentials with McCain on national security matters. "The Republican nominee has extensive credibility in this area and the Democrat needs to be able to be commander-in-chief," said Penn, adding that Clinton's service on the Armed Services Committee as well as the fact she has visited more than 80 foreign countries makes her the far stronger choice.

McCain DOESN'T have credibility. He's flip-flopped on torture and going after Osama, misled about his criticisms of Rumsfeld and has a long history of bad judgments.

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