Monday, February 25, 2008


Almost 7 months ago, Anthony Cordesman said that around February we'd know if Iraq was likely to survive. Now, he wants us there for at least 4 more years:

What the situations in Iraq and Afghanistan have in common is that it will take a major and consistent U.S. effort throughout the next administration at least to win either war. Any American political debate that ignores or denies the fact that these are long wars is dishonest and will ensure defeat. There are good reasons that the briefing slides in U.S. military and aid presentations for both battlefields don't end in 2008 or with some aid compact that expires in 2009. They go well beyond 2012 and often to 2020.


Anonymous said...

yet another practitioner.I believe one might even trace him back further in similar regard.more disgusting than humorous,however.
Gates too an imperialist hedger/prevaricator.

Steve J. said...


I left a comment on the WaPo and asked Dr. Cordesman why we always get "give us more time"?