Friday, March 28, 2008


Hannity goes on and on about how the U.S. has the best health care in the world and as evidence, points to all the foreigners who come here for treatment. Well, there's a reverse flow of patients!

Mexico Gets Medical Tourists as Health Net Sends U.S. Patients
By Thomas Black
March 26, 2008

Yielding to pressure from employers, health insurers such as Health Net, Aetna Inc. and Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina are offering cost savings to policy holders who take their ailing backs, hips and knees to foreign countries for non- emergency medical treatment. Mexico has emerged as a favored place for American medical tourists because of its proximity and U.S. insurer incentives.

To help curb the cost increases, employers and insurance companies are sending sick Americans to Mexico, Singapore and other emerging market countries where costs are lower.

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