Friday, March 28, 2008


OR, another example of "war for thee but not for me" (h/t ThinkProgress) This is from a guy who had "other priorities" during the Vietnam War.

From CNN's The Situation Room, 1/24/07:

CHENEY: But the biggest problem we face right now is the danger that the United States will validate the terrorist's strategy, that in fact what will happen here, with all of the debate over whether or not we ought to stay in Iraq, with the pressure from some quarters to get out of Iraq, if we were to do that, we would simply validate the terrorist's strategy that says the Americans will not stay to complete the task...
BLITZER: Here's Nouri al-Maliki...
CHENEY: That we don't have the stomach for the fight.
BLITZER: Here's the problem...
CHENEY: That's the biggest threat.

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