Monday, March 17, 2008


On FAUX News Sunday1 (mentioned below), Brit Hume tried to make an issue of Obama's church's commitment to Africa:

HUME: ... And it goes on to say this is a congregation with a, quote, "non- negotiable commitment to Africa," not to Chicago, not to Illinois, not to the United States of America, but to Africa.
Now, look. There's nothing wrong with that. And I wouldn't say it's racist. But it is certainly racial.

Mara Liasson points out that for other groups, this isn't considered racial:
LIASSON: ... I just want to take exception to one thing that Brit said about the mission statement of this church. A congregation with a non- negotiable commitment to Africa reminds me a lot about Jewish synagogues who are committed to Israel. It doesn't mean that they're committed to Israel above their commitment to the United States.

When it talks about the diaspora of the African people, you know, Jewish people also are in a diaspora. That stuff does not seem to be in any way offensive or incendiary. The comments are a different matter.

Bill the Bloody Kristol lamely replied that his rabbi doesn't sound like Pastor Wright but the worst of all was Juan Williams, who regurgitated the wingnut smear about Michelle Obama:
WILLIAMS: ... And it goes to the point, then, where I think it becomes sort of -- it picks up and leads to what Michelle Obama said about -- only for the first time has she, this Ivy League-educated prominent American lawyer, proud to be an American because you're having support for her husband.

1Fox News Network
March 16, 2008 Sunday
Fox News Sunday Roundtable
BYLINE: Chris Wallace, Brit Hume, Mara Liasson, Bill Kristol, Juan Williams
LENGTH: 3255 words

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