Sunday, April 27, 2008


I noted below that it has allowed the right-wing nincompoop Jed L. Babbin access to its pages and now I find that two idiots from the poorly-named Reason magazine have been allowed op-ed space. Sometime around August 1st, 2007, Fats Limbaugh claimed that bootleg copies of the TV show "Dallas" helped the downfall of the USSR. Today, we have two idiots essentially repeating this claim:

How 'Dallas' Won the Cold War
By Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch
Sunday, April 27, 2008; Page B02

It was the booze-and-sex-soaked caricature of free enterprise and executive lifestyles that proved irresistible not just to stagflation-weary Americans but viewers from France to the Soviet Union to Ceausescu's Romania.

"Dallas" wasn't simply a television show. It was an atmosphere-altering cultural force.

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