Thursday, April 17, 2008


(Via Atrios)

When will the media look into the disconnect between the lives of its own superstars and the lives of "Joe Six-Packs"? Howard Hurtz gets a clue:

It's mildly amusing to watch cable hosts with multimillion-dollar salaries wring their hands over how Obama can't possibly relate to the struggling masses. When was the last time most of these people had a shot and a beer in a bar, or visited a small town unless it was to make a highly paid speech? It's a small irony of this "out of touch" debate that upper-echelon journalists with wardrobe allowances or kids in fancy private schools get to pose as the folks who are in touch with the great American working class.

These are also the same people who blithely assure us they know what the American public is thinking.

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