Sunday, June 22, 2008


Sean Hannity used to promote & praise the racists Hal Turner and Bob Grant and now we learn that Obama's virtually certain nomination as the Democratic Presidential candidate has caused a big spike in people joining white supremacy groups. The numbers are still relatively small but it doesn't take many to create a great deal of trouble.

Hate Groups' Newest Target
White Supremacists Report an Increase in Visits to Their Web Sites

By Eli Saslow
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, June 22, 2008; Page A06

Neo-Nazi, skinhead and segregationist groups have reported gains in numbers of visitors to their Web sites and in membership since the senator from Illinois secured the Democratic nomination June 3.

"I haven't seen this much anger in a long, long time," said Billy Roper, a 36-year-old who runs a group called White Revolution in Russellville, Ark. "Nothing has awakened normally complacent white Americans more than the prospect of America having an overtly nonwhite president."

Don Black spends 16 hours each day on his laptop computer reading hundreds of derogatory Obama comments posted on, a Web site with the motto "white pride world wide." Black, a former Ku Klux Klan leader, launched the site in 1995 to create a central meeting place for the white power movement. In the wake of Obama's securing enough delegates for the nomination, Stormfront, he says, has begun to fulfill his vision.

A site that drew a few thousand visitors per day in 2002 has expanded into Black's full-time job, attracting more than 40,000 unique users each day who can post on 54 different message boards, he said. Black has enlisted 40 moderators and his 19-year-old son to help run Stormfront.

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