Thursday, June 26, 2008


Laura Ingraham is STILL off radio.

THE BAD NEWS:Today, the half-wit Monica Crowley was guest hosting for WWI and used a typical stupid argument when she railed against the Supreme Court's ruling that the death penalty for child rapists is illegal. She said something like "try explaining that to an 8 year old," as if an 8 year old could really grasp the issues.

Crowley's no dummy, if one can judge by her academic record*, so she's another one the gasbags who makes a living by spewing agit-prop.

*From MSNBC: Crowley, who received her PhD. in International Affairs from Columbia University, joined MSNBC in 2004. ... She holds two master’s degrees in addition to her doctorate from Columbia University, and she is a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Crowley's half hour of failed distraction of the essential war reporting of Lara Logan in lieu of the latter's interesting personal life, followed by her "Bush has brilliantly manuvered against Iran with his North Korea deal" after Bush has served Iraq to Iran on a silver platter, had me smirking.