Friday, July 18, 2008


Jane Mayer wrote a book about the criminal Bush regime - of "The Dark Side: How the War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals" - and told Wolf Blitzer that Douglas Feith was one of the many war criminals in the Bush regime:
BLITZER: But one reviewer wrote about your book, the evidence in there would suggest that top administration officials who were in charge of authorizing what you believe was torture, and many others believe was torture, they should avoid traveling to several Western European countries because they could be arrested for war crimes. Name names, who was -- who was responsible for what you would consider to be violations of the Geneva Conventions and American law?

MAYER: Well, I mean, in fact, the whole top of the administration, the president, the vice president, David Addington.

BLITZER: Who is the chief of staff for the vice president.

MAYER: Donald Rumsfeld, the secretary of defense, Doug Feith was up at the Pentagon today. There's a whole slew of people.

Via Satyam at Think Progress, we learn that in an interview with British international lawyer Philippe Sands, Feith admitted to denying WOT prisoners any rights under the Geneva Conventions:
This is what he said to me: “The point is, the al Qaeda people were not entitled to have the Convention applied at all. Period. Obvious.”

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