Friday, August 22, 2008


Today Hannity was upset because he claimed that the press was attacking Cindy McCain because she's the one that owns all those houses. He forgot all the attacks he made on Teresa Hienz-Kerry back in 2004. Here are a few examples from Lexis-Nexis.
HANNITY: Of course, Kiki. This is silly. If she calls the vice president unpatriotic, she's going to get -- she put herself in the arena. She's going to get hit back. Poor baby.
Here's the point. The Kerry's are hypocrites in two regards.

They lecture about how we need to save in the environment. They fly around in the G-5. They have SUVs that only the family owns, and lie about it and mislead the American people.

The Kerry campaign wants to cut taxes on people who make two hundred thousand dollars. She only paid 14.7 percent of her income in taxes, because their plan doesn't go to dividends, only income. So they don't want to tax themselves.1

Here's the whore worrying about the fairness of the tax system:
HANNITY: Yes, but -- wait a minute. But this is important. That's on income, Richard. She already has her wealth. So in other words, people like John Kerry, according to the Kerry plan, don't pay anything, because they're going to be protected.

And they will only pay 14 percent and the rest of us, we end up paying 40 percent. So he ought to tax all of his wealthy friends that have all this wealth built in.2

In the same show, the little prick even brings up the number of houses the Kerry's have!
HANNITY: I just think, you know -- this is my problem with John Kerry. I think John Kerry is a hypocrite. John Kerry lectures us about our oil consumption, et cetera, but John Kerry's wife has a Gulfstream 5 jet. They have a million dollar yacht that I read about. They have to heat and cool five huge mansions around the country.

I mean, couldn't they just have one mansion?

1Fox News Network
May 12, 2004 Wednesday
Teresa is Off-Limits
GUESTS: Kiki McLean
BYLINE: Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes
SECTION: News; Domestic
LENGTH: 1157 words

2Fox News Network
May 14, 2004 Friday
Will Teresa Kerry's Finances Spell Trouble for Kerry's Campaign?
GUESTS: Richard Aborn
BYLINE: Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes
SECTION: News; Domestic
LENGTH: 1186 words

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