Thursday, August 21, 2008


Today a caller laid some smack on Fats about how he failed to prevent McCain from becoming the nominee. The caller reminded Fats that he spent a good part of February trying to stop McCain and he along with other gasbags like Hannity, Levin, Back and Coulter looked like boobs.

Fats' could only reply that the caller was a wacko.

Here's the transcript:

CALLER: Hi, Rush. John McCain will pick a pro-life VP. He will not disrespect you, and I can tell you why. You remember back in February when you, Hannity, and Levin so thoroughly got your C.O. Jones handed to you on a platter by McCain and he made all three of you out to be the biggest boobs on the radio, he wants to throw you a little bone now and kind of make up for that.

RUSH: Uh, I don't remember McCain doing this back in February.

CALLER: Well, you don't remember all -- all of conservative talk radio ganging up on him, trash talking him, trying to bring him down, and despite all of that, he's the nominee of the party.

RUSH: I thought you said that he trashed us. I misunderstood you.

CALLER: (silence)

RUSH: I'm not even sure I understand the point of this.

CALLER: Well, I just -- I think he kind of -- kind of wants to make up for castrating all of conservative talk radio back then, the way he did.

RUSH: What do you mean, "castrating all of conservative talk radio"? We're still here.

CALLER: Oh, come on!

RUSH: He didn't castrate anybody. Don't give me this. He didn't castrate us. Why are you using that kind of language anyway? Do you think this is the Democrat convention?

CALLER: You were trying your best to bring him down, and despite all of that, he's the nominee, and he made you, Hannity, Levin, Beck, and Ann Coulter, made all of you out to be the biggest boobs on the radio.

RUSH: Oh, I see what you're saying. You need to harness communication. What you're saying is that despite our best efforts to castrate McCain, he castrated us and showed us to be a bunch of boobs (he didn't say we were a bunch of boobs, but he illustrated it) and now the magnanimous McCain is going to throw us a bone by picking a pro-life running mate. Your characterization of what happened last February is off the charts. There was nothing personal ever about any of this. This ain't beanbag. It's political. You forget that McCain and Huckabee were teaming up as often as they could to try to sandbag Mitt Romney. So these are the things that happen in American politics. You're finding some oddballs today, I'm telling you. I have to be honest with you, Snerdley. You find some real oddballs. I needed an IQ of half what I have to be able to follow that. Don't give me any excuses! Just don't give me those lug heads anymore.

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