Wednesday, August 06, 2008


On his radio show, Hannity played a clip of Obama saying Truman Burgess would demolish Hannity in a debate and I needed to google to find out who Burgess is. Here's the result:

Valley residents give Obama warm welcome
Published:Wednesday, August 6, 2008

By David Skolnick

The Vindicator
Dem targets Ohio issues

During a question-and-answer session, Truman Burgess of Warren, a retired Lordstown General Motors worker, praised the U.S. senator from Illinois for not being afraid to change his position on issues, particularly those dealing with energy.

“When change happens, you reassess,” Burgess said.

Obama was pleased with the comment, repeating, “That’s pretty good” several times.

After the speech, Burgess called Obama “an amazing individual. His vision embodies what this country needs.”

Hannity has been challenging Obama to come on his radio show since Obama pushed back against him and other extremist smear merchants.

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