Saturday, September 13, 2008


On the Hannity & Colmes show of Sept. 9th, Sean tried hard to peddle the psychotic wingnut lie about Obama's lipstick remark but FOX News contributor Mike Huckabee was having none of it. Via MediaMatters:
HANNITY: And joining us tonight with reaction and analysis is former presidential candidate, Fox News contributor Mike Huckabee.

Governor, before we get to the issue of me -- I'll respond to this later -- I want to -- you to get your reaction -- "[Y]ou can put lipstick on a pig; but it's still a pig."

HUCKABEE: It's an old expression, and I'm going to have to cut Obama some slack on that one. I do not think he was referring to Sarah Palin. He didn't reference her -- if you take the two sound bites together, it may sound like it, but I've been a guy at the podium many times, and you say something that's maybe a part of an old joke and then somebody ties it in. So, I'm going to have to cut him slack.

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