Wednesday, September 10, 2008


First, let's recall that Foaud Ajami is a war whore and part of the wingnut welfare machine who has or had a cozy spot at the Hoover Institution. Second, he has an op-ed today in the WSJ in defense of Granpa McWar and includes this line:
In November, the country will have a choice between a Republican candidate forged in the verities of the 1950s, and a Democratic rival who walks out of the 1990s.

The verities of the 50s are a suitable interest for scholars but are unsuited for a 21st Century president. We can't afford to have a President who's stuck in the 50s and even Granpa said we need to make a LOT of changes. From his acceptance speech:
We need to change the way government does almost everything: from the way we protect our security to the way we compete in the world economy; from the way we respond to disasters to the way we fuel our transportation network; from the way we train our workers to the way we educate our children. All these functions of government were designed before the rise of the global economy, the information technology revolution and the end of the Cold War. We have to catch up to history, and we have to change the way we do business in Washington.

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