Saturday, October 11, 2008


This is frigging great! Another PR move by the inept McCain campaign goes off the rails. (h/t Cookie Fleck '08 at Atrios') Here's the video of Sarah Palin getting booed at the beginning of a hockey in Philadelphia:

This is another symptom that McCain/Palin are losing the "Who's in touch with America" contest. Here's some real evidence: (from Glenn Greenwald):
If anything, Americans see McCain — not Obama — as out-of-touch with their values, as 49% believe McCain does not share their values and only 47% believe he does. By stark contrast, Americans overwhelmingly believe Obama shares their values (59-37%) (Newsweek, 12-14). Americans also overwhelmingly believe that Obama would “fit well with people in your local community” (63-31%), while a much smaller margin (54-40%) says that about McCain (Newsweek 12, 14) .

Worse still (for the Right), a large majority — 55-39% — answer ”NO” when asked if Sarah Palin ”is qualified to step in as President if she had to” (Newsweek 14), whereas only 46% answered “NO” last month. And 47% say that Hockey Mom Palin does not share their values, while only 48% say that Palin does (versus 59% who say that the Radical-Terrorist Obama shares their values) (Newsweek 14).

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