Saturday, October 11, 2008


The NYT ran a piece on McCain's attempts to link Obama to Ayers and had this line:
Mr. Ayers’s chief publicity machine these days is the presidential campaign of Senator John McCain, which has made Mr. Ayers a household name.

I think Sean Hannity has been the major purveyor of this crap about Ayers/Obama and he has been spewing it for months now. If you add in the other right-wing radio gasbags, it seems clear to me that they are the main outlets for this smear.

The Times also gives this interpretation:
Despite the McCain campaign’s zeal for invoking Mr. Ayers, however, Mr. McCain himself did not bring him up at his debate with Mr. Obama on Tuesday.

He may have been concerned about doing it face to face with Mr. Obama — and did not want to provoke Mr. Obama into responding with a reference to Mr. McCain’s own questionable ties to Charles Keating, of the savings and loan scandal (not a good reminder in a time of financial crisis).

It's not just Keating, it's also McCain's strong ties to the radical Christians and his friendship with freakshow G. Gordon Liddy.

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