Sunday, November 09, 2008


The wingnuts are still defending her and one of them brings up a standard GOP defense for someone who isn't fit for office. From James Joyner's blog:
I invited Bill on the show (which you can listen to here) because he is and was the blogosphere’s most knowledgable Palin observer, having touted her as a VP choice long before she was on most of our radar screens. What we agreed on was that 1) Palin was definitely causing a major buzz and seemed to have the base genuinely excited and 2) that Palin was at least nominally qualified by résumé for the job. I stressed, though — drawing comparison with Harriet Miers (another issue where the couselor and I differed) — that her résumé was thin for the office by recent standards. He agreed, as I recall, but argued that her personal qualities overcame any experience deficit. We also agreed that Palin’s resume stacked up just fine with Barack Obama’s.

Here "Bill" refers to Bill Dyer of the Beldar blog. What I find astounding is the use of the old claim that Palin has personal qualities that outweigh her lack of knowledge and experience. Let's recall that Palin repeatedly LIED about Troopergate.

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