Thursday, December 18, 2008


I've come across a few wingnut posts that describe something as "Gramscian" and that's meant to be a negative term. It refers to Antonio Gramsci's idea that in order to prevent being absorbed into capitalist society, which would prevent the creation of a communist society, the proletariat needed to create their own culure. The wingnuts apparently think that the so-called "cutlure wars" are meant to erect a parallel social structure which will eventually lead to communism. This is the relevant excerpt from Britannica1:

Not only would parliamentary democracy and established law be unmasked, but culture, too, would be transformed. A workers' civilization, with its great industry, large cities, and “tumultuous and intense life,” would create a new civilization with new poetry, art, drama, fashions, and language. Gramsci insisted that the old culture should be destroyed and that education should be wrenched from the grip of the ruling classes and the church.

I'd like to thank Reliapundit for bringing this interpretation of Gramsci and his relation to modern liberals to my attention.

1political philosophy. (2008). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved December 18, 2008, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online:

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