Monday, January 26, 2009


I love gasbag food fights! Bill "Slots" Bennett chastised Fats Limbaugh for openly hoping that Obama fails. Bennett could've criticized Fats many times during the last few years so I'm a little puzzled why he chose to speak out now. Radio industry observer Tom Taylor thinks that Rush "probably can't lose" this fight and that's probably true from a strictly economic perspective but not from a political one. Fats has hitched his wagon to a fading ideology and he recent attempts to influence the political process were failures. Taking on Obama only tells most Americans that Fats is out of step with the mood and needs of the country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aj Strata today takes on Obama's
supposedly over-conciliatory outreach to the Moslem world. He wants Obama to realize Bush policy has worked! by not being too conciliatory..One money quote

"America has always been ready to partner with the Muslim world and has done so for decades. Our allies in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and Kuwait (to name a few) know this. Our new allies in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan know this. It has nothing to do with America. We are not the ones crying death to America, death to Israel.

Ummmm,Strata, were you aware that large demonstrations of "new allies" Iraqis -Afghanis - Pakis have been crying just that in the past recent weeks and months?