Monday, January 26, 2009


I was amazed when one wingnut described "mark to market" as Marxist and even more amazed that Limbaugh thinks access to information is unAmerican. (h/t Pam Spaulding) Pres. Obama overturned Bush's executive order that kept many important documents unnecessarily secret, including his father's White House records. Ryan Powers at Think Progress reports that Pigboy really didn't like this:
LIMBAUGH: What I’m afraid of is that what Obama did with this executive order is actually make it easier for the media to go get Bush documents. Because you know Pelosi and some of the guys over in congress are talking about war crimes trials and charges and so forth. […]

What I’m afraid of is what Obama’s done here is made the gathering of the information for this kind of stuff– This is not American. This is not America. This is not what America does. We don’t– This is Banana Republic kind of stuff.


mac said...

Rush is an idiot.

Steve J. said...

mac -

Yeah but he still has too much influence.