Monday, January 26, 2009


I don't claim that pettiness is confined to conservatives but they are often so absorbed in themselves and their ideologies that it might as well be. Justice Alito STILL hasn't gotten over his confirmation hearings (LAT):
The absence of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who was at the court Wednesday morning for arguments in two cases, was a mystery. He has, however, voiced lingering anger over Senate Democrats, including Obama and Biden, who voted against his confirmation three years ago. When walking on Capitol Hill, Alito has said, he crosses to the far side of the street whenever he nears the Senate Office Building.

Secretary Rice also has an ego problem (Scott Horton at Harper's via Atrios):
I met last week with a number of career State Department employees and was surprised when one said she was looking forward to the “Glinda Party” next week. I asked her: if Hillary was Glinda, the Good Witch of the South from the Wizard of Oz, did that make Condoleezza Rice the Wicked Witch of the West?

“You’re on to it,” she said. Another person pointed out to me that after Rice’s arrival in 2005 the tone of official State Department publications changed; they began to praise and glorify Rice. “No prior secretary,” said the twenty-year veteran, “did anything like this.”


section9 said...

I strongly suspect that the stuff about Rice setting up some sort of personality cult was bullshit. It's not unusual for the career people at State to pine for a Democrat; that's what most FSO and USCS people are made up of; I just find it extremely hard to believe that Rice went out of her way to set up some sort of personal glorification machine. That simply wasn't like her.

Steve J. said...

section9 -

You may be correct. I do recall that there was a LOT of unhappiness among Dept. employees with the way Rice managed State and perhaps that spilled over into this perception.