Wednesday, February 04, 2009


That's what some wingnuts claim in light of Fats' recent wish that Obama "fails." I've shown before that Fats is a VERY important voice for the conservatives and now I've found someone who might be considered an expert on the importance of being Fats:
Despite Obama appeals, left-right war still rages
Feb 4 05:12 AM US/Eastern

Michael Harrison, editor and publisher of the industry magazine TALKERS, said the back-and-forth in the stimulus debate underlined Limbaugh's enduring relevance for a large swathe of the US public.

"In my opinion it elevates Limbaugh's position as an entertainer and broadcaster. And it has diminished the people who should have a high position as politicians," he told AFP.

"Limbaugh and his ilk have taken over the position as the most influential voices in the Republican right, because of the vacuum of leadership by the party itself."

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