Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Last night, George Noory had two crazies on, Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones. Both were trying to argue that the Federal government was on the verge of taking over the country by eliminating state and local governments. They both mentioned that there were efforts in about 20 state legislatures to secede from the Union and I think about 4 legislatures came on and said they had submitted bills to that effect. Here's a screen capture from today:

Karl Rove was on Hannity's show and made the shameless claim that the Democrats don't believe the rules and the law applies to them. You may recall what Rove said about Valerie Plame (Newsweek, 10/13/2003, page 3):
The next day Wilson got a call from Chris Matthews, host of the MSNBC show "Hardball." According to a source close to Wilson, Matthews said, "I just got off the phone with Karl Rove, who said your wife was fair game." (Matthews told NEWSWEEK: "I'm not going to talk about off-the-record conversations.")

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