Friday, May 22, 2009


Mark Levin decided to go 110% "patriotic" tonight and started his program with two clips of John Wayne speaking about the greatness of America. Glenn Greenwald did a great job exposing Wayne as just another coward who constructed a heroic image for himself, so I almost broke out laughing at Levin's childishness. Levin went on to play the anthems for all the armed services and that was enough to get him to the 20 minute break.

More disturbing than Levin's jingoism was a call Levin took from a father who lost his son in Iraq. The father seemed to believe that we were defending ourselves by invading Iraq and that Leftists don't get it because they are moral relativists. I suspect that there's almost no chance of having a meaningful discussion with someone so weighed down by loss and delusion and that's very sad.

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