Friday, May 22, 2009


This morning on the Stephanie Miller Show, I heard a clip of Fats Limbaugh claiming that waterboarding "Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and two others" prevented a nuclear attack on Los Angeles. MediaMatters also caught this flagrant lie and has a partial transcript:
Every one of you in Los Angeles should know that had Barack Obama been president the last eight years, your city would have suffered a nuclear attack.

In the MediaMatters transcript, Limbaugh shortly after stated that saying "nuclear" was a mistake but that's not how the show transcript reads:
Every one of you in Los Angeles should know that had Barack Obama been president the last eight years, your city would have suffered a terrorist attack. Waterboarding saved an attack on Los Angeles. Now, if you're in Los Angeles, you can feel guilty or you can feel grateful. By using Obama's professed techniques and not using waterboarding and other things that he hit hard today, rest assured we would not have gotten the information that allowed us to thwart a terror attack on Los Angeles.

This is the same sort of editing that was done for his history comment.

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