Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I suspect the Talk Radio Republicans will soon start braying about how the choice of Chrysler dealerships to close was politically motivated. Too bad there's no evidence for this claim (analysis from Nate Silver at 538):
Overall, 88 percent of the contributions from car dealers went to Republican candidates and just 12 percent to Democratic candidates. By comparison, the list of dealers on Doug Ross's list (which I haven't vetted, but I assume is fine) gave 92 percent of their money to Republicans -- not really a significant difference.

There's no conspiracy here, folks -- just some bad math.


Anonymous said...

That's right "folks". Steve J. says this is just bad math and we should just move along. You have shit for brains son.

Steve J. said...

OK, then point out where Nate is mistaken.

Anonymous said...

The stats support the claim. They show almost all the dealerships support the Republican candidate.

These guys were told they had to keep all their inventory. They could not sell it back to Obama Motors. That is just wrong. I hope you can see that. After all the money BHO and Co are pissing away, you would think that these dealerships deserved fairnes. No handouts or bailouts. Just fairness. This is BHO's doing.

Anonymous said...

ps sorry for the shit for brains remark. That is typically ad-hominem of the left and I try to avoid it.

Steve J. said...

The stats support the claim. They show almost all the dealerships support the Republican candidate.Almost all the dealers gave money to the GOP, so if the choices were random, then most of the ones chosen would be the ones who gave to the GOP.

Why is that so hard to grasp?

Anonymous said...

Its a ridiculous argument. Yes, a random selection would result in more GOP supporters. So what. These people were hurt badly by BHO and Co. You don't treat people like this unless there is some punitive motive involved.