Tuesday, May 19, 2009


King HATES the ACLU just as much as they do. Here are excerpts from his appearance on Face the Nation, 5/17/2009:
As far as accusing the military of sanctioning torture, that’s just the same libel that’s been perpetrated by the ACLU continually here.

So I don’t think-- I don’t know what purpose the ACLU serves in constantly tearing down the United States, constantly attacking our government, and now it is not just President Bush, it’s President Obama.

And when you realize what went on down there and to see this great compassion and concern that Mister Romero and the ACLU have for Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and others and the-- and the venom they have toward the President of the United States, I wished that was reversed a bit and they had the venom and bile--

The fact is the CIA memo was very precise, very direct. What those others were doing is off on their own. And the ACLU is trying to meld it all together so they can just attack the United States.

So, again, if I have to believe these people or the ACLU, which delights in tearing down the U.S., I stand with our government.

So, more and more, we’re finding the American people on one side, the ACLU and the troglodytes from the New York Times on the other, where they belong.

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