Thursday, August 20, 2009


(h/t Michael Hood at Blather Watch)

In addition to the fuel provided by a black liberal being elected President, the right-wing gasbags on the radio have to become more extreme because the market is shrinking. Michael Medved put it this way:
“In this [economic] environment, you have something of a push to be outrageous, to be on the fringe, because what you’re desperately competing for is… P-1 listeners [those who tune in most frequently]. The percentage of people on the fringe who are P-1s is quite high,” he explained. As a result, talk radio hosts are feeling more pressure than usual to yell harder, scream louder, and insult further. Talk shows “are fighting for an ever- smaller pie, [which means that] you’ve got to be even louder about it because you’re trying to get the attention of an ever-smaller niche,” said Medved.

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