Wednesday, August 12, 2009


The lies and smears from right-wing talk radio and FAUX News seem to have definitely gotten the GOP base riled up. The number of comments on the interview article with Rep. Giffords is now up to 356 and from my experience, that's a record for the Arizona Daily Star. On Politico, we have krazies like this fellow:
avatar for user CreepyBoBo

Member Since: Jul. 24, 2009

Party: Democrat

Last Visited: Aug. 12, 2009 - 3:06 AM EST


I sure hope there isn't a 2nd American Revolution....because all you unarmed lefties will end up getting killed off, very quickly I might add, and there won't be anyone left to make a fool of on these boards any more.

But, you're certainly correct when you perceive that the American People - the productive ones that is.... the people who make America work - are furious with the fascist punk in the Whitehouse and his attempt to force America into the mold Frank Marshall Davis taught to him.

If Obama pushes too much further, there will be a tipping point. After (8) years of war, there are a lot more Tim McVeighs... and there are a lot of old veterans like me....millions. Plus, the overwhelming majority of cops and active-duty military feel the same way I do....and I know a lot of them.

I don't think the Secret Service and the DC Park Police will be able to handle it if it does get started. Obama is playing with fire here - something the little punk simply never earned the right to do.

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