Thursday, August 13, 2009


I recall that Bill Clinton once said that the GOP will only stop lying when it becomes ineffective. It's look that time hasn't arrived, especially about health care. Today on Limbaugh's show, I heard an obviously frightened older woman call in:

CALLER: My husband is a member of the United Mine Workers, and I have positive proof that the unions will be the first to go to the national health care if it comes to be.

RUSH: Yes. I don't have any doubt, and one of the reasons why is some of the union health care plans are facing insolvency, like much of businesses that get involved with unions. Their health care plans are in big, big double, and the governor taking it over would be a big boon. That's what's in it for the unions.

CALLER: Well, I have the coal wage agreement from 2007 between the United Mine Workers and my husband's employer, and it states in Article 20, Section 13, page 209: "If the United States government enacts comprehensive health care, the United Mine Workers or the Bituminous Coal Operators can reopen the agreement for the purpose of negotiating modifications to let employer plan." Rush, they're going to sell the union membership down the river. These people worked and fought hard for those employer benefits, for health care -- and those health care benefits are excellent, and I'm frightened (voice breaks) that I'm going to be put on this national health care plan. (crying)

My second response to this was "Well, she's got hers and doesn't care about all the others."

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