Wednesday, August 12, 2009


His name is Craig Miller and he gave an interview to a local TV station immediately after leaving. He said he had fibromyalgia and a heart condition. He later appeared on The Today Show and had more to say.

First, Pres. Obama has broken his oath of office by appointing 31 czars and he can't trust Obama. He also said he can't trust Pelosi, Harry Reid, Steny Hoyer, and Barney Frank. Miller also wants an accounting done on the Federal Reserve.

Second, and this wasn't clear, he wanted to talk to Specter about the Constitution.

Third, the governments crooked and most of our politicians are criminal.

Fourth, the 31 czars had a hand in the health care bill. (?) None of them had been confirmed, as required by the Constitution.

To me, he sounded like a standard talk radio wingnut.

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