Saturday, September 19, 2009


Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona says that she owes her position to a higher power:
"And I firmly believe that God has placed me in this powerful position of Arizona's governor to help guide our state through the difficulties that we are currently facing," she said.

Gov. Sanford of South Carolina won't resign because of a higher power:
"I feel absolutely committed to the cause, to what God wanted me to do with my life," he said in an interview. "I have got this blessing of being engaged in a fight for liberty, which is constantly being threatened."

To complete this travesty of religion, here's an airhead, Carrie Prejean, attributing her boobs to the work of God:
Prejean, speaking at the Values Voters Summit in Washington, insisted that “God had a plan for me that day” when she voiced her opinion during the 2009 Miss USA contest.

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