Saturday, September 19, 2009


I've before that Irving Kristol has a very dim view of his fellow man and the obits in the Times and the WaPo don't ignore this part of his thinking.

His Army service during World War II after graduation in 1940 brought him greater skepticism about the practicality of the radical left and its utopian view of the brotherhood of man. He wrote of meeting fellow soldiers who "were too easily inclined to loot, to rape, and to shoot prisoners of war" and whose anti-Semitism was flagrant.

Drafted into the Army with a number of Midwesterners who were street-tough and often anti-Semitic, he found himself shedding his youthful radical optimism. “I can’t build socialism with these people,” he concluded. “They’ll probably take it over and make a racket out of it.”

In his opinion, his fellow GI’s were inclined to loot, rape and murder, and only Army discipline held them in check.

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