Monday, September 14, 2009


As I was reading Dave Neiwert's post about Shawna Forde, the mention of flag burning brought to mind an incident in Tucson from a few years ago. Here's the beginning of the story:
Mexican - flag burners plan more protests
Arizona Daily Star, The (Tucson, AZ) - Monday, April 10, 2006
Author: Levi J. Long, ARIZONA DAILY STAR

As marches and rallies to demand changes to U.S. immigration laws start today across the country, members of a local group that burned a Mexican flag at Tucson's Mexican Consulate Sunday vowed to continue burning flags .

On Sunday, about 12 people from the Border Guardians, a Tucson anti-illegal-entrant group, burned a Mexican flag on the sidewalk in front of the consulate, 553 S. Stone Ave. Drawing more onlookers and media staffers than supporters, the group read several statements opposing immigration-law proposals, blaming the Mexican government for the number of illegal immigrants entering through Arizona's border.

The group said Sunday's flag burning was the first in a series of planned burnings.

"This is a symbolic act," said Roy Warden, a Border Guardians member who helped to ignite the flag .

Before dousing the flag in lighter fluid, Warden read several statements blaming the Mexican government and members of Congress for not providing more enforcement along the U.S. border.

He also said Mexican residents are being exploited by the "Spanish-descended elite of Mexico" and should revolt against the Mexican government.

Group members then recited the Pledge of Allegiance and lighted the flag .

As the flag 's embers fell, supporters of the group cheered and shouted: "Long live George Washington! God bless America!"

Later that week, Warden showed up at a pro-immigration rally and pulled the same stunt:
City man arrested after Mexican - flag burning
Arizona Daily Star, The (Tucson, AZ) - Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Author: Brady McCombs, ARIZONA DAILY STAR

A Tucson man was arrested Tuesday for his role in the burning of a Mexican flag as part of a counterprotest at a pro-immigration rally .

At about 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Tucson police cited Roy Warden, 58, on suspicion of assault, criminal damage and reckless burning, and then released him, according to Sgt. Decio Hopffer.

Video footage shot Monday by police and the media showed Warden assaulting a TV cameraman and a photographer, Hopffer said. Because only one of the men pressed charges, there is only one assault charge.

Warden faces the criminal-damage charge for harm done to the concrete shuffleboard court where Warden's group was burning the Mexican flag , Hopffer said.

Warden and his group, Border Guardians, arrived at Armory Park just after noon Monday to stage a counterprotest to the 15,000 marchers who were protesting what they see as unfair immigration laws. At about 2:15 p.m, they burned Mexican flags and tempers flared.

Another member of Border Guardians, Laine Lawless, called the arrest a petty way to punish the group for its dissenting voice.

Newiert points out that "Laine Lawless" is really named Roberta Dill and is a grade-A krazy.

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