Monday, September 14, 2009


I'm getting a little miffed at all the right-wing bozos who think they deeply understand the Constitution and what our country should be like. Ellen at Fox News Hounds find this remark from a pastor to Glenn Beck:
“What we’re seeing is an orchestrated attempt on the part of what I call the Saul Alinsky group that is attempting to change this nation from one that was originally intended to be a free market enterprise… to one of a socialistic system… That which is being foisted upon us is not at all what the founding fathers had in mind,” Broden said.

This is nonsense, of course, and Justice Holmes drew attention to this in his dissent in Lochner:
But a Constitution is not intended to embody a particular economic theory, whether of paternalism and the organic relation of the citizen to the state or of laissez faire

Broden appeared on Beck's show back on August 31st1 and was more expansive on who the culprits were:
I believe what we're seeing is an orchestrated attempt to radically change this country from what the founders had in mind, the framers of the Constitution, and those who wrote the Declaration of Independence, what they had in mind for this nation to be. There is a deliberate attempt on the part of Marxists, socialists and atheists. I call them Darwin atheists who are attempting to change this country, and the first step is the disposition of our Judeo-Christian heritage.

1Fox News Network
August 31, 2009 Monday
BECK for August 31, 2009
BYLINE: Glenn Beck
GUESTS: Kyle Smith, Seton Motley, Pat Caddell, Rev. Stephen Broden, Joy McGraw

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