Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Phil Hendrie thinks Glenn Beck is a modern day version of George Putnam, a famous LA newsman who died recently. There's no doubt that Putnam was a wingnut, as you can see from this article he wrote for Newsmax, but the only connection I see is that they are both paranoid.
One Reporter's Opinion – An 'American Hiroshima'
George Putnam
Friday, July 15, 2005

It is this reporter's opinion that the attacks on Madrid and London are merely warm-ups to al-Qaida's plans for what is described as a possible "American Hiroshima."

According to captured terrorist documents, the "American Hiroshima" calls for the multiple detonation of nuclear weapons already in the possession of Osama bin Laden's operatives currently inside the U.S. The agents and arms have been smuggled across the U.S.-Mexico border with the help of the MS-13 street gang (Mara Salvatrucha, which is now international) and other organized crime groups. The attacks are designed to kill at least 4 million Americans.

According to informants, al-Qaida has obtained at least 40 nuclear weapons from the former Soviet Union. They includes suitcase nukes, nuclear mines, artillery shells and even missile warheads. Captured documents indicate that al-Qaida plans to assemble its own nuclear weapons with fissile material purchased on the black market. Most disturbing is that at least some of these weapons have been smuggled into the U.S. for use in the planned "American Hiroshima."

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