Saturday, October 10, 2009


Fats Limbaugh doesn't usually have guests and he rarely gives talks open to the public so I've been a little curious why he seems so willing to be quoted in Politico. Here's a recent example:
"This fully exposes the illusion that is Barack Obama," Limbaugh told POLITICO in an e-mail. "And with this 'award' the elites of the world are urging Obama, THE MAN OF PEACE, to not do the surge in Afghanistan, not take action against Iran and its nuclear program and to basically continue his intentions to emasculate the United States."

Limbaugh continued: "They love a weakened, neutered U.S, and this is their way of promoting that concept. I think God has a great sense of humor, too."

Fats seems to have sent the same e-mail to TIME:
“This fully exposes the illusion that is Barack Obama. It is a greater embarrassment than losing the Olympics bid. And with this "award" the elites of the world are urging Obama, THE MAN OF PEACE, to not do the surge in Afghanistan, not take action against Iran and its nuclear program and to basically continue his intentions to emasculate the United States. They love a weakened, neutered U.S. and this is their way of promoting that concept. I think God has a great sense of humor, too.” (h/t Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog)

Even Fats may not be immune to a shrinking ad market.

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