Saturday, January 23, 2010


NOTE: I was banned from LGF in August 2005.

The NYT Sunday Magazine has a pretty interesting article about Charles Johnson, the creator and owner of Little Green Footballs, especially concerning the blog war Johnson started with krazies like Pam Geller. Glenn Beck goes to great lengths to make "progressive" a dirty word (like Limbaugh did with "liberal") by making truly absurd links between people who in reality live in separate ideological worlds. This technique seems to be prevalent among the pinhead conservatives who desperately seek a unifying world-view:
It was a kind of orgy of delinking, an intentionally set brush fire meant to clear the psychic area around Johnson and ensure that no one would connect him to anyone else, period, unless he first said it was O.K. No one would define Johnson’s allegiances but Johnson. Of course, much of this was accomplished by the very methods he felt so threatened by: a kind of six-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon approach to political rectitude, in which the existence of even a search-engine-generated connection between two people anywhere in the world implied a mutual back-scratching, an ideological partnership. It was unfair and simplistic and petulant, but it also seems to have achieved its goal. Very few people on the right want to be linked with Charles Johnson anymore.

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