Friday, January 15, 2010


I know for most of us that that is a silly question but I was struck by his remarks on trust during the show in which he interviewed Sarah Palin. Here's the relevant excerpt from the transcript:
BECK: ... Debra, who does makeup for the show, she was the one and I think I shared this story with you she was the one that said to me at the end of last year, she said, well, it's a year. How do you feel? And I said, Tired. And she said, Yeah. I can tell. And I said she said, I can tell. Television does that to you and television changes you. And I said, Oh, geez, Debra. Have I changed? She said, Yes, you have. And I said, Oh, this doesn't sound good. How? She said, It's actually quite sad. She said, You don't trust anybody anymore. When you came here a year ago, you trusted people. You don't trust anybody. And I said, It's true. I don't. I don't want that to bleed into my real life. I just don't trust Washington and I just don't trust anybody in the media, but other than that, I still trust people.

If Beck is using "anybody" without any scope limitation, then he also means that he doesn't trust Limbaugh or Hannity.

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